Posts Tagged ‘gift voucher’


Photographs of Didsbury Twins

February 16, 2011

Here are Janice and Bill’s gorgeous twins now that they have reached the age of one. The gorgeous little boy and girl had their MMR jabs the day before the photo shoot so we had our fingers crossed that it wouldn’t make them too grumpy.  They were fine and actually played really well while I took their photos.

This was the third and final photo shoot from their Baby’s First Year Voucher.  They’ve changed so much since their first photographs back in April.

Photograph of twins by Didsbury photographer

Didsbury twins photograph

Photo of twins by Chorlton Family Photography

Baby girl and teddy photo by Chorlton photographer

Baby photography by Chorlton Family Photography

Baby photo by baby photographer in Didsbury

Baby boy photograph by Manchester baby photographer



Heaton Moor Baby Cousin Photographs

February 7, 2011

Sisters, Sarah and Hannah, had the third and final photo shoot for their babies a couple of weeks ago.  They each had a Baby’s First Year Voucher entitling them to three photo shoots of their baby boys.  At this photo shoot they also brought along their mum and their sister Charlotte for some family portraits.

The baby cousins love having their family there and as you can see from the photos they were great in front of the camera.

Family portrait by a Manchester photographer

Photograph of baby cousins by Chorlton Family Photography

Photograph of a baby boy by Manchester baby photographer

Photo of a baby learning how to walk

Children's photography in Manchester

Photograph by Manchester baby photographer

Baby boy photo by Chorlton Family Photography

Manchester family photography


Children’s Photo in Northenden, Manchester

June 22, 2010

I photographed this lovely little girl for the third time in Northenden, Manchester at the house of her Auntie.  Her mum had a Baby’s First Year Voucher entitling her to three photo shoots so she could have some lovely photographs of her baby growing up.  This little girl is now one year old and seemed to enjoy being the centre of attention for a couple of hours. She has a beautiful smile.

Photograph of little girl taken in Northenden, Manchester

Photograph by Chorlton Family Photography

Photo of child with balloon by Manchester photographer

Black and white photo of girl by Chorlton children's photographer


Photos of Baby Girl and her Big Brother

February 10, 2010

This was the second photo shoot for Helen’s baby girl.  She has a Baby’s First Year Voucher which entitles her to three photo shoots, each with a free photo.  At the first photo shoot Helen’s baby girl was tiny and couldn’t even sit up, but this time she was definitely on the move.  The baby was joined by her big brother for the photos.  He is three years old and enjoyed playing up for the camera and being very boisterous.  His baby sister just watched, no doubt looking forward to the time when she can run around just like him.

Baby girl photograph

Colour photograph by Chorlton Family Photography

Black and white photo of three year old

Photograph of little boy and his baby sister


Family Photographs in Urmston, Manchester

December 16, 2009

Karen gave Neil a photography voucher for a photo shoot of his family for his birthday.  His two elder daughters came up from Wales for the sitting at Neil and Karen’s home in Urmston, South Manchester.  I took lots of photographs of various combinations of family members.  My favourite is the one where the Welsh family members are cheering as if Wales has scored a try at Rugby.

Family Photograph

Family Portrait by Chorlton Family Photography

Photo of little girl playing with bubbles

Mother and child photograph

Mother and child photograph

Photograph of mother, father and daughter

Black and white photograph of girl


Christmas Gift Vouchers

November 19, 2009

I’ve been selling quite a few Gift Vouchers as they make such good Christmas presents.  Vouchers are £60 and include a photo shoot plus one large photograph. Here is the leaflet advertising the vouchers that I’ve been leaving in shops, cafes and nurseries all over South Manchester.

You can order a Photography Gift Voucher by phoning me on 07735 479490 or email to

Chorlton Family Photography Leaflet - Christmas Gift Vouchers


Second Photo Shoot for Baby Boy

October 27, 2009

I last photographed Cath and Dale’s baby boy in July when he was three months old.  Now, three and a half months later he’s sitting up and seems so much more grown up.  It’s hard to believe how quickly little baby’s change.  Cath received a Baby’s First Year Voucher from colleagues when she left work to go on maternity leave and this is the second of the three photo shoots she is entitled to.  Dale, the baby’s dad was with him at the photo shoot at their home in Northenden, Manchester.  Dad played aeroplanes, threw him up in the air, and generally helped to get smiles and interesting expressions on his face.  Here are some of the photos from the shoot.  More details about Baby’s First Year Vouchers are available on


Baby photograph by Chorlton Family Photography


Close up of baby's face


Happy baby photograph


Photograph by baby photographer, Chorlton Family Photography


Black and white photograph of baby


Happy Photos of a Two Year Old

September 30, 2009

This photogenic little girl is just two years old.  Her dad bought a photo shoot Gift Voucher as a Christmas present for Kate, her grandmother.   I took the photographs at Kate’s house in Chorlton, Manchester.

The little girl loved playing, as children of this age do.  She had lots of fun playing with her doll and when Kate blew her some bubbles she couldn’t stop laughing.  In fact, every time she looked at Kate she had a big grin on her face!

Black and white child photograph

Black and white child photograph

Photograph of a girl palying with her doll

Photograph of a girl playing with her doll

Photo of little girl

Photo of little girl

Photograph of child playing with bubbles

Photograph of child playing with bubbles

Colour photograph by Chorlton Family Photography

Colour photograph by Chorlton Family Photography


Christmas Present – Photography Voucher

August 24, 2009

The parents of this little boy received a gift voucher last Christmas entitling them to a photo shoot and a 10 inch x 8 inch photograph.  We finally did the photo shoot in August when Helen and Cath had some time off work.   The little boy is just 2 years old and he was very, very interested in the flashing studio lights.  He kept pointing at them and wanting to investigate how they worked!  I think he looks brilliant in his red dungarees and they really stand out against the black background.

Photograph of the little boy pointing at the studio lights

Photograph of the little boy pointing at the studio lights

Colour photo of child in red dungarees

Colour photo of child in red dungarees

As with a lot of children of this age he really enjoyed chasing and popping bubbles and I got some lovely action shots.

Action photo of child popping bubbles

Action photo of child popping bubbles

Black and white photograph of child's face

Black and white photograph of child's face