Archive for June, 2011


Whalley Range Children’s Photographs

June 23, 2011

A couple of weeks ago I photographed Helen and Graeme’s four children. The oldest boy is 11, next comes a 6 year old girl, then a 4 year old and a 3 year old boy. All the children were quite happy to have their photos taken especially when they were tickling and play fighting. The littlest one got bored after a little while and went off to have a game of lego while the other three children carried on with the photo shoot.  I’m quite please that I managed to get some shots where you can see all four of their faces and all with natural, animated expressions.

Children's photography by Chorlton Family Photography

Photograph of four children by Chorlton family photographer

Happy family photograph by children's photographer in Manchester

Whalley Range family photograph by a Manchester photographer


Urmston Family Photographs

June 13, 2011

Jackie invited me to photograph her family as a birthday gift for her mum Margaret. I went to her house in Urmston to photograph three generations of the family – Margaret, four children plus partners, and three grandchildren (ten altogether).    As well as some photos with everyone on I also took some smaller family groups.  Here are some of the results and I’m pleased to say that I think everyone is looking happy and relaxed on them.

The family decided to buy all the digital images which meant that they can make as many prints as they want.  Here are some of the images from the photo shoot.

Photograph of large family group by Chorlton Family Photography

Photograph of mother and daughter

Family photo by Chorlton photographer

Black and white portrait of a boy by Manchester photographer

Photograph of couple by Chorlton Family Photography

Family photograph by Urmston photographer