Archive for December, 2010


Family Photographs in Failsworth, Manchester

December 22, 2010

I photographed Fiona and Dave’s two kids at a recent photo shoot at their home in Failsworth, Manchester.  The little boy is three and the little girl is nearly one.  Their friend, Sam, bought them a photography voucher for a photo shoot plus some photographs as a wedding gift.

The little boy was made to be a model – he loved the camera.  The little girl, as most one-year-olds do, spent much of the shoot trying to crawl away.  So well done to Fiona and Dave for keeping her in the picture!  Both of the kids loved playing with bubbles.  Here are some of the photos from the day.

Photo of two children by a Manchester photographer

Black and white children's photography in Manchester

Photo of a baby girl by Manchester child photographer

Child photography in Manchester

Colour photograph of little Manchester boy


Photographs of One-Year-Old Didsbury Twins

December 21, 2010

Here are some pictures from a recent photo shoot for Katrina’s twins.  The little boy has just learned to walk and the little girl is a really fast crawler!  They were both on the move during the photo shoot and were not too keen on sitting still and posing for the camera. Even so, there are some lovely images of them.

The twins will be one on Christmas Day.

Photograph of one year old girl by Didsbury photographer

Photograph of one year old boy by Didsbury photographer

Twin photography by Chorlton Family Photography

Photo of a baby girl and her dad by Manchester photographer

Photo of a baby boy and his mum by a Manchester photographer

Didsbury family photograph


Photographs of a Chorlton Family

December 9, 2010

I photographed Jane, Neil and their three children at their home in Chorlton a couple of weeks ago.  Over a year ago Jane won the first prize in my free prize draw and I photographed her little boy and girl.  Now they’ve got another baby and Jane asked me back to photograph the whole family.

Photograph of three children by Manchester photographer

Family portrait by Chorlton photographer

Manchester baby photo

Photo of little girl by Chorlton Family Photography

Photo of little boy by Chorlton Family Photography


Child Photography in Manchester

December 3, 2010

Natalie and Stewart’s little boy recently had his third photo shoot at their home in Rusholme, Manchester.  The family had a Baby’s First Year Voucher entitling them to three photo shoots and this was the final one.  It has been just great seeing how he has grown and changed in the last year or so.  Now that he can walk much of the photo shoot was spent chasing him and trying to get him in the right position for the lighting.  Natalie and Stuart worked very hard at this photo shoot!

Child photograph by Chorlton Family Photography

Manchester child photography

Photo of a little boy by Manchester photographer

Photo by a family photographer in Manchester

Manchester family photography