Archive for May, 2010


West Didsbury Twins First Photo Shoot

May 17, 2010

How cute are these twins?  The blue eyed baby girl and brown eyed baby boy had their first photo shoot at their home in West Didsbury last week. Their mum and dad have bought a Baby’s First Year voucher so I look forward to photographing the twins again in a few months time.

Black and white photograph of twins

Photograph of twin babies by Chorlton Family Photography

Photo of baby boy and baby girl twins

Photograph of baby boy

Photograph of baby girl


Baby Girl Photographs

May 17, 2010

Here are a couple of photos of the baby sister of the little boy in my last blog entry.  She is three months old and although she liked having her photo taken at first she soon went off the idea!  Luckily I worked fast enough to get some gorgeous smiles.

Photograph of baby girl by Chorlton Family Photography

Colour baby photo


Toddler’s Third Photo Shoot

May 17, 2010

I have photographed this little boy three times now.  His mum was given a Baby’s First Year Voucher from colleagues when she left work to go on maternity leave – this entitled her to three photo shoots to document her baby’s first year.  When I first photographed him he couldn’t sit up, but now he toddles all over the place.  Other things have changed as well – he’s now been joined by a baby sister.  Here are some favourites from his photo shoot in Northenden, Manchester.

Photo of toddler by Chorlton Family Photography

Black and white photograph of a toddler

Photograph of little boy and bird cage

Photograph of a one year old boy playing with toy bricks


Toddler Photo Shoot in Manchester

May 11, 2010

Here are some photographs from a photo shoot in West Didsbury of a one year old boy. He had just learned to walk and had a very cute habit of sucking his thumb with one hand and holding his ear with the other – I had to get some photos of that!  The toddler had a lovely stripy chair that he always sat in before bedtime to have his milk – when we sat him in it for a photograph he went all sleepy and wanted to lie down, he must have thought it was bedtime.

Black and white photograph of a toddler

Photo of a one year old boy

Colour photograph by Chorlton Family Photography

Photo of a little boy sitting in a chair


Family Portrait in Cheadle Hulme

May 2, 2010

I did some family portraits for a family in Cheadle Hulme last week.  The children, aged 10, 14 and 16, were great at the photo shoot – here are a few of their photos.

Family portrait by Chorlton Family Photography

Photograph of a sister and two brothers

Family photograph


Little Learners Nursery Photos

May 2, 2010

I have been very busy preparing the proofs after photographing all the babies and children at Little Learners Nursery in Stretford.  I’ll be taking the proofs into the nursery next week – hopefully the parents will love them. The staff were great at Little Learners and helped the day go very smoothly – thanks!