
Christmas Present – Photography Voucher

August 24, 2009

The parents of this little boy received a gift voucher last Christmas entitling them to a photo shoot and a 10 inch x 8 inch photograph.  We finally did the photo shoot in August when Helen and Cath had some time off work.   The little boy is just 2 years old and he was very, very interested in the flashing studio lights.  He kept pointing at them and wanting to investigate how they worked!  I think he looks brilliant in his red dungarees and they really stand out against the black background.

Photograph of the little boy pointing at the studio lights

Photograph of the little boy pointing at the studio lights

Colour photo of child in red dungarees

Colour photo of child in red dungarees

As with a lot of children of this age he really enjoyed chasing and popping bubbles and I got some lovely action shots.

Action photo of child popping bubbles

Action photo of child popping bubbles

Black and white photograph of child's face

Black and white photograph of child's face

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